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Monday, 2 July 2007
Evangelicals and Evolution: Selected Bibliography
Posted by
Steve Martin
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Hello Steve,
I read the Stephen J. Gould "Evolution as Fact and Theory" and made a post on blog.
My question for you is, "What is the best evidence you have seen for evolution?"
Nedbrek, Great Question! I'm actually producing a short internet video series entitled, "What's so great about evolution?" that breaks it all down.
First off, evolution is a theoretical model of biological change that attempts to provide a coherent naturalistic explanation for those things we observe in nature. It claims that all species have decended from common ancestors in an unbroken chain of life that stretches back 3.8 billion years to the first living cells (which were bacteria).
The problem is that the process of speciation, that is - one species accumulating enough changes to be considered separate from its ancestors, takes so stinking long (millions of years) that we can't just catch it in the act of happening. So in order to test the theory of evolution, we have to be a little more creative.
The best evidence that common descent is a valid scientific model comes from three distinct lines of evidence: morphology, the fossil record, and molecular genetics. The data from each of the lines of evidence fits almost perfectly into the patterns that should be expected if evolution were true. If evolution were not true, then we should expect the anatomical similarities and difference between species (morphology) to follow different patterns, and we should the expect the geological and geographical distribution of fossils to follow different patterns, and we should expect the genetic similaries and differences between species to follow different patterns. In fact, if molecular genetics in the last 50 years were to have revealed a different pattern than the fossil record or morphology (over 100 years ago), then evolution would have been tossed out in the 1960's. But after 150 years, the model of common descent has survided many challenges and is repeatedly confirmed by the physical evidence.
Of course, as with any scientific model, it is only considered valid as long as it works (remember the geocentric model of the solar system). As soon as evidence is discovered that contradicts the model, it will have to be replaced. Many people have been misled to believe that there are mountains of evidence against evolution. But this is simply not ture. You can't just point to a few things that lack a convincing explanation and claim that the model itself must be invalid - that's not how science works. If that were the case, then we would have to challenge the theory of gravity since science has yet to explain how it works, despite that fact that its effects can be seen. Evolution is very similar. The evidence that it happened can clearly be seen (fact), but scientists no clear answers as to exactly how each step unfolded (theory).
Here is a good blog that deals with the evidence: http://sfmatheson.blogspot.com/
Hi nedbrek,
I guess it depends on what you mean. Do you mean the best source for evidence? The best one "knock-out" piece of evidence? What evidence convinced me -(given that at one point I was a convinced that evolution was bunk)?
For me, it was definitely NOT a formal weighing of all the scientific evidence (although I’ve now read quite a bit on both sides). I think very, very few people make any decision like this – there are always other things that affect our decisions. More important for me was how other Christians approached the topic.
1. From what I could see, I felt that Christian anti-evolutionists were not being honest in the portrayal of the data. When “your own side” is showing a lack of integrity, you start to wonder if you are on the right side.
2. I saw how Christians, deeply committed Christians who upheld the integrity of scripture, were able to reconcile biological evolution with their faith.
Once I reached that point, and the evidence for evolution was no longer threatening, my investigation led me to believe that the evidence for evolution was WAY stronger than against it. And I think the most important factor is that it is a coherent theory that has stood the test of scientific scrutiny. (As Gordon notes, so much new evidence from genetics has only enhanced the theory in the last few decades). Note that I believe I was (am) quite neutral to whether biological evolution should be true. After all, what does that have to do with the fact that God incarnate died, and through the resurrection conquered death?
So for me, the main “evidence” was first and foremost how Christians reacted to evolution, not to the scientific evidence itself.
I learned evolution in my (Catholic) high school. It's only recently that I've reviewed the evidence and found it lacking...
Steve, I understand your point about overzealous creationists. I also respect old earther David Heddle (helives.blogspot.com).
Do you have posts on the Flood? Are you "local flooders" or "global flooders"?
hi nedbrek,
I haven't posted anything on the flood, and probably won't. Not sure I have anything unique or pertinent to add. I could be wrong, but I think most everyone who is not a YEC / "flood geology" supporter would agree that the flood was a local event. One helpful article is here: http://www.asa3.org/asa/PSCF/2002/PSCF9-02Hill.pdf.
I recently came across another resource that might be of interest. It’s a new book and podcast by Denis Alexander.
Alexander, Denis. Creation or Evolution?: Do We Have to Choose? Oxford: Lion Hudson PLC, 2008. ISBN: 0-8254-6292-4 (Paperback).
Brief Description:
What do we mean by creation and evolution? What are the common scientific objections to evolution? Is evolution atheistic? Who were Adam and Eve? Can the concept of the fall be reconciled with evolutionary theory? How could a God of love create a world where animals kill each other? What about intelligent design? Denis Alexander, director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, helps readers sort out the answers to these tricky questions.
There’s also a wonderful, recent exchange between Denis Alexander and Stephen Lloyd (YEC) on this subject on the UK-based Premier Christian Radio’s highly recommended show Unbelievable?.
Great resources! The single piece of evidence that made me accept common descent was the presence of pseudogenes, junk DNA, and genes that are "turned off" in the human genome. The more I listened to Fuzz Rana's arguments against pseudogenes, the stronger the arguments FOR pseudogenes became to me. While I still have huge respect for Rana in other areas, I think RTB is wrong about common descent.
It is just absolutely incompressible to me why God would put such genes in our DNA if we were special creations. I'd rather preserve the traditional doctrine of God and his all encompassing goodness and alter my views of creation than the other way around.
Also, for resources, for those of us who believe in a literal Adam, I find Gary T. Mayer's book, "New Evidence for Two Human Origins" to be the single best book that harmonizes a literal Adam and evolution. My review of it is on amazon although I'm actually Mark not Judy. http://www.amazon.com/New-Evidence-Two-Human-Origins/dp/1425973221/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1229992969&sr=8-1
His position is similar to that of Peter Rust. Don't forget his paper either. http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/2007/PSCF9-07Ruest.pdf
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